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  • Legacy of the First Blade in Assassin's Creed Odyssey: Shadow Heritage

    Hora: Jan. 16, 2019

    Shadow Heritage is a guided story that continues the Darius' saga from the first episode of premium DLC. Darius, the leader of this particular story, is important. It appeared earlier in the series and now we see it in the flesh, in the defect and in everything. We have already work with Ezio to deal with "badass super assassin who is old now", but now we are passengers because Darius deals with family problems and a danger to his increasingly pastoral way of life.

    The premise of the First Blade arc is slightly more charming than reality. Most of the missions proposed by Shadow Heritage are not particularly out of charactors in Assassin's Creed Odyssey Uplay CD Key, from the first horse chase to the relatively polarizing conclusion, which varies greatly depending on the character's choice.

    It is interesting to note that much of Shadow Heritage can be completed without active conflict except for the obvious naval battles, heralded the new villain "The Tempest". To improve the nautical theme, you have a flamethrower that you can attach to the front of your ship. "Rapid Fire", a new skill where Alexios or Kassandra make their best impression of Legolas, is fun in practice.

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